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Perspectives ame 2

Ref.: 159982 Tag: 9781337808033

Perspectives ame 2

Ref.: 159982 Tag: 9781337808033

Perspectives American version is a four-skills series in American and British English that teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. The carefully-guided language lessons, real-world stories, and TED Talks motivate learners to think creatively and communicate effectively.In Perspectives, learners develop an open mind, a critical eye and a clear voice in English.- Every unit explores one idea from different perspectives, giving learners opportunities for practicing language as they look at the world in new ways.- Students learn the critical thinking skills and strategies they need to evaluate new information and develop their own opinions and ideas.- Students respond to the unit theme and express their own ideas confidently in English.- Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.

R$ 275,90
Estoque: 9 em estoque
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Descrição do Produto Perspectives ame 2 ref 159982
Perspectives American version is a four skills series in American and British English that teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. The carefully guided language lessons, real world stories, and TED Talks motivate learners to think creatively and communicate effectively.In Perspectives, learners develop an open mind, a critical eye and a clear voice in English.Every unit explores one idea from different perspectives, giving learners opportunities for practicing language as they look at the world in new ways.Students learn the critical thinking skills and strategies they need to evaluate new information and develop their own opinions and ideas.Students respond to the unit theme and express their own ideas confidently in English.Exam style task types and test taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams..
Detalhes do Produto
EAN: 9781337808033
Código interno: 159982
Peso: 0,50 kg
Dimensões: 27 × 21 cm
Categorias: Didaticos e paradidaticos, Livraria, Paradidaticos
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