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Gold experience (2nd edition) b1+ student book + online

Ref.: 959811 Tag: 9781292392837

Gold experience (2nd edition) b1+ student book + online

Ref.: 959811 Tag: 9781292392837

Fast-paced, cool and engaging – Gold Experience motivates your teenage students with its varied, age-appropriate topics and activities. Contexts such as the internet, social media, television and magazines are relevant to teenagers’ lives and content

R$ 308,00
Estoque: 45 em estoque
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Descrição do Produto Gold experience (2nd edition) b1+ student book + online ref 959811
Fast paced, cool and engaging – Gold Experience motivates your teenage students with its varied, age appropriate topics and activities. Contexts such as the internet, social media, television and magazines are relevant to teenagers' lives and content rich CLIL topics help your students learn about the world..
Detalhes do Produto
EAN: 9781292392837
Código interno: 959811
Peso: 0,52 kg
Dimensões: 21 × 27 cm
Categorias: Estudo de línguas estrangeiras / geral, Inglês, Livraria
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