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Tales from the arabian nights book and mp3 pack

Ref.: 55681 Tag: 9781408278178

Tales from the arabian nights book and mp3 pack

Ref.: 55681 Tag: 9781408278178

Sheherezade is beautiful and clever. She also knows a thousand and one wonderful stories. Her husband wants to kill her, but he can’t. Sheherezade tells him stories about a clever servant girl and a boy judge, about Ali Baba and Aladdin. What happens

R$ 69,00
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Descrição do Produto Tales from the arabian nights book and mp3 pack ref 55681
Sheherezade is beautiful and clever. She also knows a thousand and one wonderful stories. Her husband wants to kill her, but he can’t. Sheherezade tells him stories about a clever servant girl and a boy judge, about Ali Baba and Aladdin. What happens next? Her husband wants to know. He listens – and she lives..
Detalhes do Produto
EAN: 9781408278178
Código interno: 55681
Peso: 200,00 kg
Categorias: Didaticos e paradidaticos, Livraria, Paradidaticos
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