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Pearson english readers 1 the house of the seven gables book and cd pack

Ref.: 55919 Tag: 9781405878067

Pearson english readers 1 the house of the seven gables book and cd pack

Ref.: 55919 Tag: 9781405878067

The House of the Seven Gables is the home of an important family: the Pyncheons. They have the house and a lot of land, but no money and many problems. Is there a curse on the family? This is a story about money, murder, and love.

R$ 69,00
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Descrição do Produto Pearson english readers 1 the house of the seven gables book and cd pack ref 55919
The House of the Seven Gables is the home of an important family the Pyncheons. They have the house and a lot of land, but no money and many problems. Is there a curse on the family? This is a story about money, murder, and love..
Detalhes do Produto
EAN: 9781405878067
Código interno: 55919
Peso: 0,08 kg
Categorias: Didaticos e paradidaticos, Livraria, Paradidaticos
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